50 Things … and Tumblr

So I’m determined that this year I’m going to be much more active on this here blog. Cos, well, why on earth not?

Having said that, I’ve just involved myself in this mahoosive meme over at Tumblr as part of the gratifyingly huge classic film fandom … 250 films in a year. And knowing me, I’ll prolly want to rabbit far more about a certain film than Tumblr will allow so it may spill over here. And of course, feel free to follow me over on Tumblr if you’re that way inclined (and don’t already). I’m way more active on there than any other place, really. Gosh, I’m so excited (and slightly intimidated) by this meme!

But for here and now, 50 of a 100 things about me cos I’m finding a bit of a struggle to talk about myself on this here blog. Lord, the irony.

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